Custom production

From the very setting up of the company we are engaged in custom manufacturing and processing according to customer requirements. Since our set up, we have helped to carry more than 80,000 orders to our satisfied customers.

Individual approach to each customer allows us to satisfy the most demanding requirements and implement both - serial and one piece orders. Everything is made at a high support of technical beckground of a production company with a long tradition and experience. Fully equipped place of business in Ždánice in Moravia in connection with a time-tested “know-how”, first-rate manufacturing machines, equipment and CNC technologies, can guaranteed you to produce excellent quality of our products.

Our team of engineers will deal with your requirements. Please send your request/inquiry by e-mail:

To expedite processing of inquiries, please, include the following parameters:

For cuts, please, indicate:

  • Dimensions of the sheets, cuts
  • Type of material
  • Material thickness
  • Material colour (white = opal, milky shade, clear = transparent)
  • Requirement for quality of edges (cut, polished, scrapped)

If you want to implement custom production, please, include the necessary information for processing:

  • Product dimensions (especially in crates and boxes it is necessary to determinate if the dimensions are external or internal)
  • Material - the colour, thickness, material type
  • Demand for quality and edges processing (polishing, lasering, milling, cutting)
  • Amount of pieces of each item
  • Sometimes also the purpose of use is necessary (the suitability because of safety; suitability for contact with food, strength, etc.).